Parent/Caregiver Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

During these challenging times, we believe it is important for our students to attend school. We are very pleased that Sunnybrae continues to have a high percentage of students on-site at school to access the high-quality programmes on offer.

Attendance has clear benefits for all of our students at Sunnybrae. Regular attendance at school improves student learning, improves student wellbeing and has benefits that outweigh the risks.

As the number of Covid-19 cases continues to rise, we find ourselves in the position where it is increasingly difficult to continue with school as normal. Therefore, we are getting to the point where we may, in the coming weeks, have to implement the following to ensure that we have enough staff available to run all classrooms:

Bring in relievers if there are any available
Cancel Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) classes
Cancel Team Leader Release
Cancel Teacher Classroom Release
Cancel ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
Cancel Reading Recovery
Merge two classrooms together – keeping Year Groups together
Split classrooms – keeping Year Groups together

We will continue to keep you updated throughout these unprecedented times.

Kind regards

Lorene Hurd